2015 SHSC Candidates Forum Online Survey Questions 

Our Candidates Forum will take place on Sept 24th and all Seattle City Council Candidates are invited. Click here for more details. 

1.    What do you know about the unmet basic human needs in your district? (150 word limit)
2.    How has race affected your life? (250 word limit)
3.    What strategies do you see as the most promising to create and preserve affordable housing in Seattle? What steps would you take to make those things happen? (150 word limit)
4.    Describe how you would represent your district to ensure there is equal access to the emergency food system.  What policies and investments would you support so that Seattle residents have access to equal access to adequate, culturally-appropriate, healthy food? (150 word limit)  

5.    What do you see as government's role in preventing and responding to domestic violence, sexual assault, and commercial sexual exploitation? (200 word limit)
6.    The number of people experiencing homelessness in Seattle and King County is increasing and local, county, state, and federal resources must increase in order for us to help and house people. Homelessness and insufficient affordable housing cannot be solved at the neighborhood level. As Seattle shifts to District representation on the City Council, how will you ensure that your role on City Council supports a robust city-wide response to homelessness?
7.    The population of Seattle is growing at one of the fastest rates of any city in the country, bringing more families.  How can the city build capacity to serve the early learning and child care needs for the growing number of children?
8.    What are your ideas for how the city can insure a built environment that supports people who are older and or living with disabilities?