2025 City budget task force
On July 17, the SHSC’s City Budget Task force Co-Chairs, along with SHSC leadership, presented this year’s budget recommendations to Mayor Harrell and Director of HSD Tanya Kim. A summary of this year’s recommendations can be read here: 2025 CBTF Recommendations.
Jul 2024: SHSC develops 2025 city budget recommendations and presents them to Mayor’s Office
Aug 2024: Mayor develops 2025 city budget in collaboration with all city departments
Sep 2024: Mayor presents budget to city council, SHSC reviews budget with HSD and adjusts original budget recommendations packet
Oct 2024: SHSC meets with City Council Members to advocate for inclusion of all CBTF recommendations into balanced 2025 City Budget
October 16, 5pm: Budget Committee Public Hearing
Nov 2024: City Council will take final action and vote on the balanced budget on November 21
November 12, 5pm: Budget Committee Public Hearing
Follow this page for updates as we work alongside our members and city officials to develop a budget that is based in our vision of a just and thriving community where it is an undeniable human right for every person to have access to the basic necessities as well as resources for human survival and advancement.
Past City Budget Actions:
SHSC’s 2023 City Budget Task Force work
Brought about by the steadfast work of SHSC’s City Budget Task Force, Seattle’s Mayor and City Council signed a 2024 budget that included $5.1M of investments in wage equity for human service workers. The budget also restored over $1.2M in funding for human services that were set to expire. 63 members gave public comments on the budget and over 600 supportive email messages were sent.
In 2023, the SHSC City Budget Task Force created budget recommendations and made a bold choice: We were brief and to the point with only two recommendations. No cuts and a 7% increase in wages.
See the "packet" here. It's only 4 pages long this year. Kudos and gratitude to the many coalition leaders who decided together that focusing on these goals that impact ALL OF US is our strongest position in this year's budget process. Now that the mayor's office has our recommendations, we will meet with him to advocate. When the mayor gives his budget to the city council in September, unless he has taken all our recommendations (one can hope!), we will begin our advocacy with our council members. Your advocacy during last year’s budget season was HUGE and impactful! We anticipate needing to make a similar effort this year.
Mayor Durkan released her proposed budget last week. The Mayor’s full 2021 Proposed Budget and accompanying 2021-2026 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP), is available online at www.seattle.gov/city-budget-office. SHSC leaders have responded with an analysis of how it aligns with our recommendations to re-envision the City budget to focus on an Equitable Recovery. See page 3 of the SHSC framework and post-mayoral budget addendum.
The delegation that delivered SHSC's Budget Rec's included: Jen Muzia (CBTF Co-Chair), Julia Sterkovsky (SHSC Exec.), Patricia Hayden (SHSC Co-Chair), and Steve Daschle (SHSC Co-Chair).
SHSC has delivered our 2019-20 City Budget Recommendation Portfolio to Mayor Jenny Durkan's office. Members have been working together since January to develop the recommendations. Following the repeal of the Employee Hours tax, our Mayor and City Council members will face the challenge of how to invest in solutions at the scale of the challenges faced by Seattle residents.
Do you think council should continue AND increase these investments? Your voice will be essential to making that happen. Review the portfolio and stay tuned for advocacy training and other opportunities
SHSC's City Budget Task Force has delivered to the Mayor's Office, a portfolio of SHSC members' recommendations of what we need to do in the 2017-18 budget to come closer to our shared vision of a just and thriving community--one where all Seattle residents can reach their full potential.
We're excited about this portfolio, coordinated and assembled via this year's new process, and encourage you to take a look at the SHSC 2017-18 budget recommendation portfolio for more details.
More 2016 Highlights:
Pictured above: the many advocates of SHSC's 2015-16 Budget Recommendations Package wore orange scarves to show their support for the package at the October 7th City Budget Hearings.
SHSC Co-Chair, Patricia Hayden, and Steering Committee Members, Merril Cousin and Jessica Werner deliver testimonies at the October 7th, City Budget Hearings at Garfield Community Center. Read Patricia's testimony.
King 5's coverage of the October 7th, City Budget Hearing.
2014: SHSC representatives presented Mayor Murray with the SHSC’s package of 2015-16 City of Seattle Budget Recommendations for a Just and Thriving Community in August and are meeting with each member of City Council in September. The 2015-16 package has a new central organizing question, one we heard many city councilmembers ask us last fall: “What would it take to move the needle?” That is, what are the actions needed in order to see positive changes in our communities. This package was also developed in a new way. We focused on reducing racial disproportionality in outcomes and reducing the negative effects of the artificial silos of services into which the system has traditionally been organized. Get a complete copy.
2013: For 2014, SHSC recommends budget policy that will first maintain current services, which are still urgently needed, and second, implement a very focused package of increased investments to mitigate the ongoing impact of the recession on Seattle’s most vulnerable residents.
2012: SHSC Advocates enlightened Seattle’s Mayor and City Council members as to the importance of help right now for Seattle residents to meet basic human needs. Despite 2013-14 being a budget year with no new funds, the Mayor proposed $3,650,397 in new funding in 2013 and $4,959,512 in 2014 for community health and human services. City Council voted to adopt those new funds and add an additional $1,770,000 in 2013 and $2,317,290 in 2014.
2012: Despite 2012 being a budget year with a $25M shortfall, SHSC members advocacy resulted in a budget proposal by the Mayor with no cuts to funding for community health and human services, and new funding for immigrant and refugee youth, over $1M new dollars to maintain current services, and new funding for community organizing in communities of color. City Council also restored funding for the Lettuce Link program and made significant additions of funding for services from our Tier 2 recommendations, for a total of over $2million in new general fund expenditures in 2012.
>>Read more...2009: In a year that required tens of millions of cuts SHSC successfully restored $1.3 million in human services funding for City of Seattle coordination of food banks and meal programs, advocacy and capacity building for human service nonprofits, young adult interventions designed to prevent involvement with the criminal justice system, resulting in NO CUTS in community health and human services in the City for 2010.
2008: Seattle City Council takes your advice and adds $4.5 million to the Mayor’s budget for 2008 >> Read more...
2007 - 2008: City Budget Increases Investment in People. Seattle City Council voted November 20, 2006 with the net result that, for the first time in years, we have a significant increase in funding to help Seattle residents meet their basic human needs >> Read more...
Coalition saves $2.7 million from City of Seattle budget cuts >> Read more...