SHSC members and allies can pay their annual dues via credit card or bank account (direct debit). The pay-by-credit card option also comes with a 3% fee charged to SHSC for the service. Since we assume you intend for SHSC to receive your full dues, please add 3% to cover the cost of using a credit card if you use this option. Thank you! (So, a $1,000 membership comes to $1,030.) You can avoid this fee by printing out this dues invoice and sending it through your accounting staff to write a check and mail it in. Please note as of May 2024, our new mailing address is:
Seattle Human Services Coalition
c/o Neighborhood House
1225 South Weller St, Suite 510
Seattle, WA 98144
To determine your agency’s share (your organization’s dues for 2025), review the rates below, set by your peers on the SHSC Steering Committee. No human service organization will be turned away due to the inability to pay at this level—staying active and connected is the primary goal.
Not a human service nonprofit? Consider joining SHSC as an ally! Our supportive allies are community members and organizations who want to support SHSC, ensuring equitable and sustained funding for human services providers in service to thriving communities. Supportive Allies do not have a vote on our Steering Committee, as decisions about our advocacy need to be made by the provider organizations who are directly impacted by the issues we advocate around but are welcome to participate in our advocacy activities. The recommended membership dues of Supportive Allies are the same as provider membership dues.